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How to keep MILDEW out of your CLOSET
How to keep MILDEW out of your CLOSETCloset doors are meant to keep closed, right?  Unless you are Martha Stewart, it’s likely your closet doors don’t stay open very long–if they close to begin with!  The problem comes when humidity...
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Why, when and how do I clean my mini-split unit?
Why, when and how do I clean my mini-split unit?Mini-splits are the elegant cousins of window AC units (even though some window AC units are pretty darn good-looking nowadays with lower profiles that don’t block your view).   Mini-splits and...
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Glowing under blacklight
Glowing under blacklightI’ve heard that in the 1960’s, blacklight posters were all the rage.  Glowing things are cool!  How does blacklight actually cause things to glow?  “Blacklight” is an invisible form of light that operates in the ultraviolet range.  Because light...
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